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OFM Feature - Coronavirus - FINAL_Pages 3 / 24 / 20 1 : 56 PM Page 1 Central Floridians are feeling the effect of the rapid spread COVID pande of the - 19 mic , but leaders from all across the community are determined to return to a sense of normalcy . The 2 2 | O R L A N D O F A M I L Y | A P R I L 2 0 2 0 | O R L A N D O F A M I L Y M A G A Z I N E . C O M
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OFM Feature - Coronavirus - FINAL_Pages 3 / 24 / 20 1 : 56 PM Page 2 by BRITTANY ANN MORRISEY here’s no denying that the COVID - 19 pandemic has quickly had a profound effect on our daily lives . And as health care , business and T community leaders are rapidly working around the clock to try and determine what comes next , the fear of uncertainty is being met with noticeable resolve . Concerns over the novel coronavirus began to rise here Florida as cases of people testing positive for the infectious disease began to pop up , eventually hitting home with infected people identified first in Volusia County , then Seminole , with Orange and Osceola following , local and state leaders called for people to isolate themselves and not gather in large groups . A domino effect followed with schools moving to remote learning , businesses sending employees home to work and restaurants and bars being temporarily shuttered by Gov . Ron DeSantis . Even Walt Disney World Resorts closed — something that has only ever happened a couple days at a time for hurricanes and , briefly , after the Sept . 11 terrorist attacks . Today , we are still in the midst of what the World Health Organi zation has now recognized as a pandemic . And while Central Floridians are adapting the best they can , officials say the path forward is still very much a work in progress . ? Ahead O R L A N D O F A M I L Y | A P R I L 2 0 2 0 | O R L A N D O F A M I L Y M A G A Z I N E . C O M | 2 3