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OFM Feature - Seacrest - FINAL_Pages 2 / 20 / 20 1 : 52 PM Page 1 HELPING HEAL Driven by a passion to brighten the lives of sick children , Ryan Seacrest and his foundation give pediatric patients a creative outlet to escape their harsh realities . B Y P E T E R P R O K O Ryan Seacrest is certainly no stranger to the public eye . He’s a morning talk show co - host . He has a syndicated radio program . He’s an executive television producer . He replaced Dick Clark as our New Year’s Eve guide . He even has his own array of skincare products and a line of apparel . To say he’s one of today’s most well - recognized celebrities is putting it lightly . Yet , despite his omnipresence , Seacrest’s greatest work may just be what happens when the bright lights are turned down and the cameras are no longer rolling . Inspired by the opportunity to work with children , espe - cially those who are suffering from a prolonged sickness , Seacrest has always looked for ways to make a meaningful connection . And so , he would often visit the Children’s Hospital of Orange County in California , even going as far as to broadcast his radio show live from its halls . ?
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OFM Feature - Seacrest - FINAL_Pages 2 / 20 / 20 1 : 52 PM Page 2 TO O R L A N D O F A M I L Y | M A R C H 2 0 2 0 | O R L A N D O F A M I L Y M A G A Z I N E . C O M | 1 3