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OFM_HSReportCardV2_0819FINAL.QXD_Pages 7 / 23 / 19 4 : 13 PM Page 6 A student pruning plants at Ocoee High School’s garden . Nutrition Services for Orange County Public Schools ( OCPS ) , says the change has been a huge benefit for the district because the FDOACS connects schools to local famers . And through the agency’s Harvest of the Month School Program , menu planning can be done by what seasonal produce is available . School districts can also participate in opportunity buys where farmers with excess produce will sell to them at a reduced price , which helps keep costs low for school food programs . The result of all this is a host of new menu concepts such as fresh hummus served with cucumbers for dipping and beef pot roast with yellow squash . Gilbert says students have been receptive to the new cafeteria offerings . “ I think [ our students ] are just like a lot of other consumers these days — they like everything fresh , ” she says . While OCPS is sourcing more produce from local farms , one local high school’s cafeteria has begun receiving ingredients from the school’s very own student - run hy - droponic garden . Ocoee High School students began growing cucumbers and tomatoes at their school after 4 Rivers Shokehouse’s philan - thropy arm , The 4R Foundation invested $ 60,000 into renovating a shade house and greenhouse for the school’s horticulture de - partment . With their new hydroponic garden , Ocoee’s students have learned not just what it takes to grow plants but about selling them too , which they did this past school year by becoming a vendor to OCPS . The students ’ cucumbers and tomatoes were then used in food preparations at their own high school . Edgewater High School has also recently received a greenhouse and agricultural tools through The 4R Foundation and its program is set to begin in the fall . “ Historically , most horticulture programs focused on growing ornamental plants , but with these new greenhouses the focus has shifted to growing healthy food , ” says Mike Armbruster , associate superintendent for OCPS Career and Technical Education . “ The bigger vision is to have future generations understand and have access to healthy food where they live . ” ORLANDOFAMILYMAGAZINE.COM august 2019 ORLANDO FAMILY 31
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OFM - TopPhysicians - 819 - v3 - FINAL_OFM 7 / 23 / 19 3 : 48 PM Page 1 2 0 19 physicians FROM THE PEDIATRICIANS WHO KEEP OUR CHILDREN IN GOOD HEALTH , to the family doctors and specialists who play a direct role in our daily lives , Central Florida is full of leading medical providers 254 making a difference . For our of annual Top Physicians list we Orlando’s turned to our readers and asked leading them for some help and in turn medical we received thousands of votes minds across numerous specialties for doctors who have made a lasting impact , in both good times and bad . The result is a comprehensive list of those who are helping shape the landscape of health care in our area .