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0124 OFM Feature - Garner - FINAL_Pages 12 / 7 / 23 3 : 38 PM Page 1 1 6 | O R L A N D O F A M I L Y | J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 4 | O R L A N D O F A M I L Y M A G A Z I N E . C O M
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0124 OFM Feature - Garner - FINAL_Pages 12 / 7 / 23 3 : 39 PM Page 2 Genuine Jennifer Garner exudes warmth both on screen and off , whether she’s raising her three children or starring in comedic , family - friendly fare like her new movie on Netflix . B Y E V A N J A M E S O N AMONGST THE OBVIOUS GLITZ AND GLAMOUR OF HOLLYWOOD , Jennifer Garner shines with a distinct warmth that transcends the screen . Known for her congeniality , and a brand of approachable charm that feels both aspirational and familiar , Garner em - bodies the rare breed of celebrity who exudes a wholesome blend of star power and grounded authenticity . Off screen , she navigates the multi - faceted role of a mother with the same grace and dedication she brings to her on - camera performances . Her children Violet , now 17 , Seraphina , 13 , and 11 - year - old Samuel — from Garner’s previous marriage to fellow actor Ben Affleck — are the pivot around which her current family life re - volves , grounding her in a reality that is relatable to so many . The 51 - year - old’s latest cinematic venture , Family Switch , sees her partnering with the comedic acumen of Ed Helms . ? O R L A N D O F A M I L Y | J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 4 | O R L A N D O F A M I L Y M A G A Z I N E . C O M | 1 7