OFM_Feature_10thAnn - FINAL_Pages 10 / 29 / 20 3 : 40 PM Page 7 Who SaidWhat ? OFM : The most memorable quotes from our pages APerfect “ The paparazzi tried to sneak onto “ Oh , I’m very proud to be from Florida . I [ Princeton’s ] campus , dressed like grew up in Tallahassee , and I also what 8 1 lived in Winter Haven for a while , and I they thought college students looked lived in Orlando . I’m really proud of the like , and follow me around . The students people that I grew up with and their values . I were great and they alerted the school and me if like to carry those life experiences with me , and anyone saw anybody suspicious . One photogra - growing up in Tallahassee made me who I am . ” pher hid in a vent to photograph me walking to a class ; another attempted to bribe a freshman to “ I went with my sister’s kids to Disney take a camera into the showers and snap me in World last year . I was standing in line the nude . They would have been in for a surprise 2 all day long ; going on rides … I was ex - if they tried , because I had taken to showering in hausted . I would much rather spend 12 a one - piece bathing suit ! ” hours in the kitchen . ” “ My family is success to me . That amaz - “ I do have to say that when the kids ing little person in my life and my amaz - 9 were really small , so this would’ve ing wife . That’s success . Nothing else 3 been 20 years ago , probably , in that matters . ” range , we were able to go to — they hired me at Disney to “ Stay true to your dreams regardless of do [ a celebrity weekend ] , or what you’re told along the way . Nobody something like that . We were in the parades , and 10 knows you better than you , and take ad - my young daughter was a toddler and she rode vantage of , and appreciate , with me in the parade . She enjoyed it much more what’s given than I did . You know , I’m paranoid . I’m looking to you . I think it’s so [ amazing ] that I’m responsi - around for snipers , and she’s looking at all the ble for bringing joy to peoples ’ lives . If I can make people and just loving it . ” people smile , I’m making the world better in my own way . So , that’s what kept me going during “ Being a good husband , a good father , the tough times . ” a good son , friend , uncle and neighbor . 4 Those are the important things that I “ Fame is an interesting state of mind . focus on . I know that if I succeed in Because you yourself , you don’t change , 11 business , but I fail at being a parent or a it’s everyone around you who changes . husband , then I’ve done it all for nothing . So , I You stay the same . ” just try to do the best that I can in everything that I do . ” “ But I’ve never had that experience that some actors talk about where they be - 12 “ I can’t fake my zest for life . Some - come the character , or they take it times , I think that home with them . I never had that experi - even the camera 5 ence , but you have to do what you can to try can feel that I’m an extremely happy and understand that character and a lot of man . I’m honestly grateful for every sin - times that means just spending your free time gle day . ” trying to come to some kind of derstanding of un “ I often feel like I have two different that character , so it does bleed its way into your lives . I don’t think of myself as the girl personal life . ” 6 on the magazine covers ; I’m just a girl that does average things with my “ I feel like I’m on a mission . It’s my main friends in my free time . ” goal to create more female - driven pro - 13 jects and give more opportunities to “ I moved out to Citrus County , which women at every level . I started producing was my first introduction to manatees . five years ago because I was so frustrated 7 … It was a really small town , very rural and infuriated by the lack of good roles for wom - and Southern and I really hadn’t experi - en and watching so many talented women play - enced that going from the Northeast to the ing wives or girlfriends or stupid women . ” Southeast . [ It was a ] pretty big transition , but I loved growing up in Florida too . Citrus County was such a great little town . You can’t beat a small town . ” 26 ORLANDO FAMILY november 2020 ORLANDOFAMILYMAGAZINE.COM