OFM_AssociatesodDerma_Profile_0819 . qxp_Profile 7 / 23 / 19 2 : 57 PM Page 1 A MEDICAL Legacy Dr . Michael Steppie has been on the forefront of skincare services for decades and is now leading the way on advancing research and educating patients . by CATHERINE MCBRIDE lished in April of 2017 in r . Michael Steppie is not your average der - and taboo associated with this topic . the Journal of Investigative Dermatology as well as matologist . As president and medical “ We see all generations of patients in our prac - on a breakthrough study on vitiligo , published five director of Associates in Dermatology , tice for any skin concern , from baby boomers , preg - months later . founded in 1989 , Dr . Steppie has an unri - nant women and adolescents and young adults — all The melanoma research involved identifying valed passion for serving Central Florida’s D of whom could be affected by Hepatitis C , biomarkers that may predict susceptibility to the community through clinical and cosmetic derma - STI / STDs or HPV and need to know about preven - cancer . “ I have always been curious by nature and tology . A board - certified physician who has com - tion , ” says Dr . Steppie . “ By having these conversa - seeking to get to the root of the problem . … pleted residencies in internal medicine , dermatology zine tions with our patients — who are like family mem - Identifying melanoma biomarkers could be the first and dermatologic surgery and is a highly qualified aga bers — we seek to normalize conversations around stepin developing earlier , more reliable diagnostics that Mohs micrographic skin cancer surgeon , Dr . Steppie m s sexual health . ” could , in turn , reduce deaths , ” he says . has made it his mission to educate the community ew The legacy Dr . Steppie hopes to create by In an article written by Dr . Steppie and pub - about life - saving dermatologic solutions . N th entering this new frontier is one of health and well - lished in the Skin Cancer Foundation Journal , he “ Our patients are loyal and love the dedicated eal ness for future generations of Floridians . “ For each says about half of all melanoma skin cancers occur in care from our skilled dermatology providers , yet H a generation of Associates in Dermatology patients men over age 50 , and male baby boomers have twice again my focus is on healthy lifestyle habits and lorid from the grandparent to the grandchild , the knowl - the risk of dying from melanoma than their female raising awareness and prevention , ” he says . “ I feel my F al edge gained through their life experiences offers great counterparts . “ Men often tend to skip recom - most important goal is to help patients avoid the ntr value for posterity , ” he says . “ When you share with mended precautions such as protective clothing and effects of overexposure to the sun , premalignant Ce your loved ones the healthy lifestyle habits that you sunscreen . Also , I am often saddened to see male growths and skin cancer . Fortunately , for our rom developed to ensure your good health , you are patients needing treatment for dermatologic surgery Central Florida communities , we've now been f to leaving behind a medical legacy that establishes the for a melanoma after their wife insisted for months established in 15 conveniently located clinics within pho importance of wellness for generations to come . ” or years to get their suspicious mole checked by a six counties for their convenience of care . ” dermatologist . So what might have been a simple , Associates in Dermatology provides an array of easily treatable skin cancer goes untreated for too dermatological services , including treatment of Associates in Dermatology and Dr . Steppie have long and becomes life - threatening and spreads to common conditions such as allergic dermatitis , pso - received Orlando Family Magazine’s Top Physician other organs . I have unfortunately witnessed too riasis , acne , eczema and disease of the hair and nails , Awards for the last three consecutive years . many of those cases . ” and the practices ’ doctors , nurse practitioners and As a medical professional , Dr . Steppie seeks to physician assistants also perform cosmetic proce - Dr . Steppie is also a member of the American be part of the solution , and goes above and beyond dures ranging from Botox © and dermal fillers to what an average dermatologist might do . Similar to chemical peels , electrocautery and acne treatments . Medical Association and the National Psoriasis his pioneering skin cancer awareness , he now feels However , it’s Dr . Steppie’s reputation for skin Foundation . compelled to respond to a call to action from the cancer treatment and awareness that has made him a CDC and Florida Department of Health regarding household name . As a continuing sponsor of the For more information : SkinCancer.org , the alarming rise of STI / STDs in the country and Daily UV Index featured on Fox 35 for the eighth CDC.gov / std , AMA - Assn.org , Psoriasis.org . the state of Florida for four consecutive years . Dr . consecutive year , Associates in Dermatology has Steppie has risen to the occasion and involved his become Central Florida's most trusted source for Associates in Dermatology team of skilled dermatology providers to increase quality information about sun exposure . Multiple locations in Central Florida awareness about these diseases , many symptoms of Dr . Steppie has been an elite member of the which will first present on the skin , making derma - Skin Cancer Foundation's Amonette Circle for the Including Celebration • Dr . Phillips • tologists among the first line of defense in the med - last 10 years . He also collaborated with Sanford Hunter's Creek • Ocoee ical profession . Unfortunately so far few others have Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute at joined this important mission because of the stigma Lake Nona on a melanoma study which was pub - ( 800 ) 827 - 7546 | DermOrlando.com 38 ORLANDO FAMILY august 2019 ORLANDOFAMILYMAGAZINE.COM